Value Plan $19.95/month ($239 annually)
Whole Home:
- Dispatch Fees waived during daytime business hours
- 15% Off plumbing, heating, cooling, electrical service calls
- Priority scheduling
- Regular rate dispatch fees for after hours service calls, including holidays ($39 Value)
Heating and Cooling:
- Two annual maintenance visits (1 heating visit, 1 cooling visit)1 ($200 Value)
- 5% Discount on all heating and cooling equipment installations
Indoor Air Quality:
- 10% OFF IAQ Accessories
- 10% OFF Air Duct Cleaning
- FREE annual whole home plumbing safety inspection ($99 Value)
- FREE annual water pressure test ($99 Value)
- FREE annual water heater flush 2 ($154 Value)
- 1 FREE annual drain clearing 3 ($153 Value)
- To be used if you are experiencing a clog
- 1 FREE water analysis ($197 Value)
- 10% Off water filtration and water conditioning equipment
- 5% Off water heater replacement
- FREE Annual whole home electrical safety inspection ($99 Value)
- 10% OFF Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Station
1 Oil furnace/Oil boiler is additional $5.00 per month
2 Age of equipment restrictions may apply; not applicable to tank-less water heaters
3 Must have accessible clean out
4Customer responsible to call and schedule individual annual visits
**Early termination of MVP may result in cancellation fees and/or repayment of discounts.